Monday, April 26, 2010

the pleasure of your company.

photo by me.

I got swallowed up in wedding invitations this weekend. So far, most of the planning and crafting and DIY'ing has been done by my mom and I. There have been plenty of offers to help, but I find myself with a lot of time on my hands here lately and honestly, there really hasn't been much to do just yet, although things are starting to pick up speed alarmingly fast. Jake usually takes a "If you're happy, I'm happy" stance which will make me eternally grateful. Sunday, however, he saw me struggling and got right in on the action. He punched the edges of the maps that we're including while I cut paper and my mom tied ribbons. We had quite the assembly line going on. Somehow, we managed to get around 45 of the maps done. I have no idea in this entire world how. The more time that passed, the more it seemed as if the stack of invitations to finish were getting bigger rather than smaller, and I still have another two boxes that I haven't even opened yet. I am just happy with what we got done!

Everyone keeps asking how the wedding plans are coming along, and my standard issue reply is always something like "They're going!" or just some positive adjective that I toss out without thought. The truth is that this is so much fun. I really am having a blast with this wedding. With all the stress and worry that is going into it, I know that when our wedding day rolls around none of it will matter. I will have done my best, I will have had amazing help from my wonderful friends and family, and at the end of the day we'll have had a great party either way. And we'll be married! Huzzah!

1 comment:

christa elyce said...

that photo is amazing! way to go on those invitations! you rock!!!